Interview d'Alumni : Pascale Fortunat, Presidente de Passions Production
Pascale Fortunat (ISG Promo 1986) est Présidente de Passions Production et basée à Los Angeles (USA). Elle partage avec nous son expérience.
Can you present the company in which you work?
Passions Productions is an entertainment company dedicated to the production of international events, festivals and now trans-Atlantic feature-length motion pictures. We have produced large-scale public festivals and fairs, high-end fundraisers, corporate events and trade shows in the US and in Europe. Over the years, we have developed privileged relationships with movie industry professionals on either side of the Atlantic and are now positioned to complete our transition into an independent trans-media company bridging the Atlantic gap.
Can you tell us about your job ?
My job is in the way similar to the one of a 'bandmaster' except that I am also responsible for all financial aspects of the company. I am responsible for raising money, hiring the right consultants and artists for each project, and making sure all the pieces of the puzzle fit!
Why did you choose to live abroad? And more specifically in this country?
I didn't really choose to live abroad. I just followed my destiny! I loved the US where my father was born. Unexpected encounters, opportunities, and life in general did the rest! I just followed the path...
What memories do you keep at ISG?
I keep fun memories of my ISG years. I met great human beings during those years and they became close friends of mine. ISG brought me a Cartesian mind structure and some discipline combined with a sense of adventure.
Can you give three tips for young ISG?
The following tips work for life in general, not only for young ISG.
- Dare to dream and to follow your dreams.
- Always try to achieve perfection. It is OK if you fail, but at least you should try.
- Follow the river flow. Don't swim upstream.
And additionally:
- Understand that to be a leader you also have to be able to replace anyone in your team. Even if it means carrying boxes, be ready to do it!
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